DJ-Dating - quickstart dating portal for Joomla 4.x
Meet DJ-Dating, a template for Joomla 4.x. It is based on the web builder YOOtheme Pro.
It was specifically designed for modern dating sites.
The solution is based on the DJ-Classifieds component, and the YOOtheme Pro web builder. It can be used by dating portal developers and developers working for clients, including business owners who want to increase their revenue by offering online classifieds presentation. The template meets all the requirements for online dating projects and is easy to install, customize and manage.
This advertising template for Joomla includes commercial add-ons:
The DJ-Classifieds YOOTheme Integrator add-on provides deep integration between the two well-known solutions and allows users to have all the features of YOOtheme's Page Builder at their fingertips with just a few clicks.